© ward mccandlish 2017
Data Feeds Our current data recipients include: Amazon Apple BDS Bookgrail Bookmate Bowker Buchszentrum Gardners Google HarperCollins KNV Kobo MDL Netgalley Nielsen Readily Speaking Tiger Vearsa In addition to supplying data aggregators and distributors our data feeds are also used by our publisher clients to create: Online access to Advance Information Sheets. Websites (click here for sample site). Specialist sites based on subject categories or for a specific author.
© ward mccandlish 2017
Data Feeds Our current data recipients include: Amazon Apple BDS Bookgrail Bookmate Bowker Buchszentrum Gardners Google HarperCollins KNV Kobo Speaking Tiger Netgalley Nielsen Readily MDL Vearsa In addition to supplying data aggregators and distributors our data feeds are also used by our publisher clients to create: Online access to Advance Information Sheets. Websites (click here for sample site). Specialist sites based on subject categories or for a specific author. Online bookshops. Click here to see Bookgrail, a site fed by WMcC.